Alvida Ramadan Quotes, Wishes and Greetings…
The blessed month of Ramadan Kareem is reaching to its end days on 29 March this year 2025! Oh, Ramadan! We will miss your sacred nights and blessed days. We are going to miss the Barkat of Sahar-o- Iftar. So, let’s promise ourselves that this Ramadan we will not change ourselves and follow the good deeds even after Ramadan! Here, you will find the best end of Ramadan quotes, greetings, wishes, and Duaa’s to say goodbye to this holy month.
Alvida Ramadan Quotes, Wishes and Greetings
The month of purification for Muslims is going to end.
Good bye Alvida Ramadan!
Saying goodbye is not an easy job especially if you in love with Ramadan. Goodbye Ramadan!
Allah please accept our fasts and forgive our sins and please Ya Allah Pak, accept our prayers and worships. (Ameen)
Oh, Allah! Guide me after this Ramadan & help me continue the good behaviors that I have developed in this Ramadan.
Like the color of silver, in the night sky, the new moon rises, the Holy month has past Goodbye Ramadan!
Ramadan is a beautiful month whose start indicates Allah’s mercy whose middle ensures Allah’s forgiveness whose end grants the freedom from hellfire
As the inspiring month of Ramadan comes to an end, I wish that you continue to blessed with the beautiful blessings of Allah.
End of Ramadan
We all are at the best of our behavior in the month of Ramadan but we must not let that end as this wonderful month comes to an end.
As the spiritual month of Ramadan ends, I pray that you are always blessed by Allah to do the right things in life and have a cheerful life.
As the month of Ramadan comes to an end, make sure that you do not put an end to your good and great deeds. Always be the wonderful person you were during this month.
The month of Ramadan departs, leaving so much to be thankful for! Let’s preserve what we experienced and pray together that we see this holy month soon again Alvida Mah e Ramadan!
As Ramadan Departs From Us Yet Again, We Pray To See It Again Next Year. I Hope Our Prayers, Fasts and All the Good Deeds Are Accepted and Rewarded Generously. I Pray All Our Sins Are Forgiven.
Alwida To The Month Of Mercy,
Alwida To The Month Of Forgiveness,
Alwida To The Month Of Protection Against Fire.
Alwida To The Month Of Generosity,
Alwida To The Month Of Kindness,
Alwida To The Month Of Patience.
Alwida To The Most Blessed Month Of The Year,
Alwida Ramadan!
Alvida Ramadan Quotes, Wishes and Greetings