St Patrick’s Day Wishes, Messages and Quotes…
St Patrick’s Day was originally celebrated in Ireland with religious services and feasts in honour of St. Patrick, one of Ireland’s patron saints. When Irish immigrants brought St. Patrick’s Day traditions to the United States, the day evolved into a secular celebration of Irish culture.
St. Patrick was a 5th-century missionary to Ireland who is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. He became a legendary figure by the end of the 7th century and is considered a patron saint of Ireland.
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated annually on March 17, the anniversary of St. Patrick’s death in 461.
St Patrick’s Day Wishes, Messages and Quotes
“May your best day of your past be the worst day of your future.” Irish Blessing
Happy St. Patricks Day to you and your family. Sending love and blessings your way!
The heart of an Irishman is nothing but his imagination. George Bernard Shaw
May the petals of shamrock bring nothing but good luck for you and your loved ones.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Wishing you the luck of shamrock and the blessings of leprechauns!
There is no language like the Irish for soothing and quieting. John Millington Synge
Ireland is a land of poets and legends, of dreamers and rebels. Nora Roberts
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May you have a blissful and prosperous celebration of this day.
Sending lots of love and blessings to you on this St. Patrick’s Day. Have a safe one this year.
Wishing a happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and your loved ones. May you be showered with love!
Yeah, it’s St. Paddy’s Day. Everyone’s Irish tonight. Norman Reedus, “The Boondock Saints”
St. Patrick’s Day is an enchanted time — a day to begin transforming winter’s dreams into summer’s magic. Adrienne Cook
St Patrick’s Day Wishes, Messages and Quotes
Everything green is good for health and mind, like green vegetables and St. Patrick Day. Have a beautiful one this year.
Wish you a very happy St. Patrick’s Day. May you receive a pot of gold today equivalent to lots of love and blessings.
“A wish that every day for you will be happy from the start and may you always have good luck and a song within your heart.” Irish Blessing
Let’s cheers our green bears and wish for a safe world this year. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everybody.
“May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.” Irish Blessing
Hoping that the greens of our dresses bring good luck and success to all of us. Let’s try to find a pot of gold together!
“For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way: Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.” Irish Blessing
I’m not going to a distant world. I’m of Ireland, and I’ll stay in Ireland until I die! Tom Cruise, “Far and Away”
We may have bad weather in Ireland, but the sun shines in the hearts of the people and that keeps us all warm. Marianne Williamson
Wishing for a leprechaun to cross your way today and bless you with a pot of gold! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and your loved ones.
The list of Irish saints is past counting; but in it all no other figure is so human, friendly, and lovable as St. Patrick. Stephen Gwynn
“St. Patrick’s Day is a day to celebrate our green heritage. The ancestry of Ireland. It is a day to celebrate what it means to be Irish and of Irish descent.” – Anthony T. Hicks
St Patrick’s Day prayer May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand