October 29 Republic Day Messages…
Republic Day (Turkish: Cumhuriyet Bayramı) is a public holiday in Turkey commemorating the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, on 29 October 1923. The annual celebrations start at 1:00 pm on 28 October and continue for 35 hours.
It has been 101 years since the Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923 with the motto “Sovereignty rests unconditionally with the nation.
The holiday commemorates the events of 29 October 1923, when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk declared that Turkey was henceforth a republic. Turkey had de facto been a republic since 23 April 1920, the date of the establishment of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, but the official confirmation of this fact came three-and-a-half years later. On 29 October 1923, the status of the nation as a republic was declared and its official name was proclaimed to be Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (“the Republic of Turkey”).After that, a vote was held in the Grand National Assembly, and Atatürk was elected as the first President of the Republic of Turkey.
Republic Day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.
October 29 Republic Day Messages
Let our 29th October Republic Day be a happy one
Happy 101th anniversary for the proclamation of our Republic.
Republic is the Vein of a Country… Happy October 29 Republic Day.
One day my mortal body will turn to dust, but the Turkish Republic will stand forever. (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) Happy Republic Day
Strongly reaching the future is possible by protecting and keeping our Republic alive. Happy October 29 Republic Day …
O new generation rising! you are the future. We builded the republic, you are the ones who raise it and keep it alive. (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) Happy 29 October Republic Day …
In these days, when we celebrate the anniversary of our Republic, we wish the determination and determination to walk into the future with great hope, faith and effort. “Happy Republic Day”
We hope that the proud breakthroughs and achievements of the Republic, which enable us to look to the future with great hope, will empower us to overcome any difficult obstacle. ‘Happy Republic Day’.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the Turkish victories around the conclusion of the national struggle of the nations, and then carried out by coupling the establishment of the Republic of Turkey is one of the rare successes recorded history. Happy October 29 Republic Day …
October 29 Republic Day Messages
“On behalf of the people of Azerbaijan and myself, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and through you to all the people of your country on the occasion of the 101th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey” Ilham Aliyev
I would like to congratulate cordially the Republic Day of Turkish People in 101th years of declaration of the republic of Turkey. I thankfully commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his companions in arms with all martyrs and war veteran with God’s mercy.
Turkish Republic which has advanced growing day by day with the aim of “leaving contemporary nations behind it and that has been founded on the key provision “Sovereignty rests unconditionally with the nation” celebrates the 101th anniversary.
October 29 Republic Day Messages in Turkish (Cumhuriyet Bayramı Mesajları )
Cumhuriyetimizin 101. yılı kutlu olsun.
29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramımız kutlu olsun.
Cumhuriyet, demokratik bir ülkenin bozulmaz simgesidir. Cumhuriyet Bayramımız kutlu olsun.
Cumhuriyet, yüksek ahlaki değer ve niteliklere dayanan bir idaredir. Cumhuriyet fazilettir. Cumhuriyet Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun…
Eğilmez başımıza taç yaptık hürriyeti, zaferle kalbimize yazdık Cumhuriyeti… 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet bayramımız kutlu olsun!
Cumhuriyet; fikren, ilmen ve bedenen kuvvetli ve yüksek seciyeli muhafızlar ister. Cumhuriyet Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun.
“Benim naçiz vücudum bir gün elbet toprak olacaktır. Fakat Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ilelebet payidar kalacaktır.” (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) Cumhuriyet Bayramımız kutlu olsun.
Geleceğe güçlü biçimde ulaşabilmek, Cumhuriyetimizi korumak ve yaşatmakla olanaklıdır. Cumhuriyet Bayramımız kutlu olsun.
Atamın bizlere emanet ettiği 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramını sevgiyle, coşkuyla, kutlayalım . 101. yıl dönümü kutlu olsun aziz milletimize…
Ey yükselen yeni nesil! İstikbal sizsiniz. Cumhuriyeti biz Kurduk, onu yükseltecek ve yaşatacak sizsiniz.” (Atatürk)… Bugünün gençliği olarak emanetin kalbimizde sen yerinde rahat uyu atam…
Cumhuriyetimizin ilanının 101. yılında Büyük Önderimiz Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ü, aziz şehitlerimizi ve gazilerimizi saygı ve rahmetle anıyor, Cumhuriyet Bayramınızı en içten dileklerimle kutluyorum.
Bayramlarımız ülkemizin bütünlüğünün, toplumumuzun birlikteliğinin coşkuyla kutlandığı ve bu vatan uğruna canlarını, gözlerini kırpmadan feda eden aziz şehitlerimizin ve gazilerimizin bir kez daha minnetle yâd edildiği maneviyatı bol olan günlerimizdir. Cumhuriyet Bayramınız aziz milletimize kutlu olsun…
October 29 Republic Day Messages