Holy Saturday Quotes…
Holy Saturday commemorates the day that Jesus (sculpture of him pictured above) lay in his tomb after he died. He was resurrected on Easter Sunday, the day after Holy Saturday, according to Christian belief.It is also known as Easter Eve, Easter Even, Black Saturday, or the Saturday before Easter.
Black Saturday is the last day of fasting, or pag-aayuno, for Catholics in the Philippines. Carrying over from the other days of the Holy Week, the solemn remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus still continues on this day. The activities on this day usually focus on preparing for the celebration of the resurrection.
Holy Saturday Quotes
On this Holy Saturday. We worship. For here is where God meets us. God is in our loss. God is in our fear. God is in our pain. The Gospel.
Black Saturday is a yearly holiday along with the week of remembering God’s sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins.
Let us celebrate this optimistic day which has the eve of Easter a religious and sanctified one. Wishing one and all a Holy Saturday.
On this day, the sun is way brighter than the other days, our hopes are more intense than the other days and we are happier and solved than all other days. Holy Saturday my people.
God did not promise days without pain; laughter without sorrow; sun without rain. But He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears; and light four our way.
“Something strange is happening – there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep.”
This day clearly demarcated the fact that only magnanimity and dedication of our lives for the welfare of others can only give us the ultimate amity and harmony and can lead us to emancipation. Make this felicitous day a proud and worthy one.
Merciful and everliving God, Creator of heaven and earth, the crucified body of your Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy day. Grant that we may await with him the dawning of the third day and rise in newness of life, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.
“To be sure, it was not Easter Sunday but Holy Saturday, but, the more I reflect on it, the more this seems to be fitting for the nature of our human life: we are still awaiting Easter; we are not yet standing in the full light but walking toward it full of trust.”
Pope Benedict XVI,
“On Holy Saturday I do my best to live in that place, that wax-crayon place of trust and waiting. Of accepting what I cannot know. Of mourning what needs to be mourned. Of accepting what needs to be accepted. Of hoping for what seems impossible.”
Jerusalem Jackson Greer,
“Just as when we were children, we were afraid to be alone in the dark and could only be assured by the presence of someone who loved us. Well this is exactly what happened on Holy Saturday, the voice of God resounded in the realm of death. The unimaginable occurred; namely, love penetrated Hell.”
Robert Cardinal Sarah
Holy Saturday is the time to remember family and the faithful who have died as we await the Resurrection, or to honour the martyrs who have given their lives to the cause of Christ in the world. Holy Saturday is a time for reflection and waiting, a time of weeping that lasts for the night while awaiting the joy that comes at Easter.
On this Holy Saturday, the final day of Lent, let our faith be made stronger; let us be more assured that sin and death are conquered; let us know a little more of the light through the sometimes impenetrable shadows. Whether the Harrowing of Hell is literal or figurative, corporeal or spiritual, it has a message for all of us today: the highest response to evil is to free people from it. Let us rejoice that our Redeemer lives.
Archbishop Cranmer
“Every Holy Saturday, the Church waits as it were beside the tomb, meditating on Christ’s death while awaiting the announcement of his resurrection. Like John, we can take Mary into our homes and ponder with her the last words of Christ. Like her, we can rest in a place between anguish and joy, waiting in quiet hope. We can pray the Divine Office, which parts the veil to show us Christ defeating death and releasing sinners from captivity. The King is not dead; he rests from his work. A new day will come. His Cross is not defeat; it is victory!”
Sarah Christmyer
Holy Saturday Morning Prayers.
“O Lord, on this day, the world was waiting, like a long winter hoping for spring, like a dry land awaiting rain. Still, quiet, in between a world hesitating, silent hope in a dark place.
Lord, we give to You the times we have in own lives, wer ol we can do is wait, wen ol we hold is hope. We giv you those times wen ol we hav is faith in new lyf, new beginings & heavens call. B w/ ol those hu today wait in dat cold, uncertain place. Hold dem, keep dem safe in Your arms, resting in your promis of new lyf. Amen.”